Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3.22.11 Contact Information

While we are in Korea, we want to stay in touch with family and friends. The time difference (15 hours) plus the distance (6000+ miles) makes it costly to telephone, and basically impossible to come home for visits. We will instead rely on the internet to keep us in the loop, but there are some concerns that go along with that. South Korean internet access is supposed to be blindingly fast, but the government does practice some censorship of content - at this point it is mostly pro-North Korean content and gambling sites. While Reporters Without Borders does not place South Korea on its "Internet Enemies" list, the OpenNet Initiative does rate the level of internet censorship there as "substantial." The only way to ensure that we are not cut off by some future ban or restriction is to diversify our avenues of contact. We plan to use email, various chats, Facebook, Skype, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, and this blog to stay in contact, and we may add other services once we get there. We want to disseminate our contact information on all of these services to interested friends and family. If you want a list of the various ways to contact us, send me an email by clicking on my profile in the Contributors box on the right sidebar. I'll send you a full list of contact info (including snail mail) and put you on our list for updates if we change or add services.

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