Monday, March 14, 2011

3.13.11 Thirty-one days and counting...

Pile o' documents...
I'm Linus - I have BAs in Religion and English, and a pending MA in Sociology. My partner is Becky - she has BAs in English and Education, with a pending MA in Literature.

We signed 12 month contracts yesterday - in 31 days we will be teaching in Jeonju city, South Korea. By then we need to accomplish quite a bit. We must finish our master's theses, get shots and travel paperwork for our pets, sell or store everything in the house that we aren't taking with us, and then make what's left fit into two suitcases each. There will also be the inevitable going away dinners, last visits with dear friends, and some hard decisions about which of my sixty-odd black shirts to bring with me. It's going to be a rough month...

This blog will chronicle our Korean adventure, beginning with the mad dash to get there. We hope to blog almost daily to create a record of this time for ourselves, family, and friends, but also to help others who are considering teaching in Korea. 

The picture above is just a few of the documents you have to gather to get a job teaching in Korea. Included in the pile are passports, apostilled diplomas, college transcripts, FBI background checks, and passport size photos. These all need to be mailed to our recruiter in Korea in the next few days...


  1. Linus! Congrats on the next big adventure! I have a friend who's in Korea teaching English - she's been there for many years now. If you're interested I can get you in touch via FB or some other means. I think you all would have a lot of common interests, and she could probably show you two around some of the ex-pat (and non-ex-pat) communities there.
    Cheers, and good luck getting everything done this month!

  2. Thanks, Jeminie - we would love to have another contact in Korea. Where is your friend teaching?
