In about 9 hours, the adventure begins! We will be in transit for about 24 hours, and then we will need to establish an internet connection, so we expect to post again in roughly 48 to 72 hours. This is the first of many pictures - the baggage train. Each of the big bags is just shy of 50 pounds. The animal crates are loaded with food and water, and the iPods and laptops are charged.
There is a strange liberation that accompanies reducing your worldly possessions to two checked bags and a carry-on. Although I settled into a pattern of acquisition during my stay in Laramie, I used to say that I felt too tied-down if I had more possessions than I could move in one trip in my car. This is a significantly more stringent limitation, and yet I almost feel like ditching even more stuff would be great. Although I agonized over what to pack and what to leave, I realize now that most of it is superfluous. In my current loopy/exhausted state, I feel like I could go to Korea with nothing more than my girl, my dog, and a spork. The cat can come too...
You do have an awesome dog! :D Have fun! I'm sorry I missed your party! I will follow your adventures! I know its awesome!